Wednesday, October 8, 2008

Blackberry Storm review from Engadget

This is a review and some pics of the new phone from Blackberry.

Tuesday, October 7, 2008

Coolest thing possible ever!!!

wow has some great stuff up today. I like to visit this site about every other day they usually give a good chuckle. These two videos are awesome, The first one is a fake, but the one on the bottom is the real deal. I think this is a very cool idea and I bet that technology like this will most definitely be put to good use........on a TV sitcom...about pulling practical jokes on people.
Oh well I loved pong as a kid so I like the videos. Enjoy!

Crosswalk Pong

Weird product

I have always enjoyed finding strange and unusual products. This is a strange and unusual product.
The Mini Motel

I think this would be great for bikers, or kids, but I am not sure if the traveling business person would like to carry this item around with them at all times.