Monday, May 31, 2010

Trial 29 --- My new band

Well, I have joined a new band recently and it is alot different then what I am use to. I have mainly played your hard rock or METAL!!! Mainly METAL! However this band is more of a jukebox style band. We are doing everything from
Kansas to
Green day to
Alice in Chains

etc. etc.

I like the guys that are in the band and I like the fact that I am now playing a different style of music. I think I needed the change just to see if I could play something other then Metal for awhile. I am sure that I will be back to playing Metal here soon as it is in my blood to due so. But, for the time being I am learning new patterns and having a pretty good time.

Samash Memorial Day sale was pretty good

I did not have a lot of cash to actually enjoy the sale. But, I did however get my son a new crash cymbal. I was going to buy my self the Zoom H2. However I am wanting the Zoom H4n. So, I chose not to buy the H2 and just hold off till I could buy the larger nicer unit.

Saturday, May 15, 2010

My web sites

I think I am going to make a effort to redo my personal web sites this summer. As with many things of mine, I just stopped doing it. I need to start up again.

I think I am going to start bloggin more

I really got out of the whole blogging thing. But, I think I will try and pick it up again. I have alot of new stuffc going on so maybe I should share it with the world.